The current data year has a huge impact on the market. As long as the big cake falls, many copycats will collapse and never recover. I personally think that the current spot copycat market is more risky than playing contracts. Looking back, how many people have been trapped in copycats, deeply trapped. Today's currency circle is not like before. There are fewer copycats and the project parties behind them have a pattern. At least when cutting leeks, they also bring the popularity and fame of this coin. On the other hand, the new coins that have been released one after another now have no bottom line. They are not cut at the opening, or they start cutting when they rise a little bit. Some are a little more patient, and they collapse after a big drop in the big cake. Various marketing accounts outside the market advertise that it is a bull.

It is said that the end of the contract is to return to 0. Those who know how to play have already withdrawn their principal and withdrawn their profits every week. Even if you don't understand, there is a 50% chance of making a profit. If you enter the spot market, you may be trapped and it is no different from returning to 0. It's not that I look down on spot. In the bull market, if you choose the right high-quality target, you will definitely have no problem making money in the bull market. The question is what is the situation now. Bitcoin has been tossing around 60,000-73,000 for 4 months. What is the bull market? When it will start is unknown. I went to look at your spot, but I was stuck.

Any operation mode in the currency circle has risks. Look at all this rationally. Don't say that spot is safe when nothing happens. Just wait for it to rise again after it falls. It's just a matter of time.

I am a spot player. I have been playing contracts since mid-March. You tell me how awesome spot is. It's ridiculous.

I have to say one more thing, that is, many people pretend to be awesome and use simulated single works to promote themselves to attract traffic, and write about how newcomers should enter the circle to ensure safety. Damn it, I am an old player who is still alive in the currency circle, and I dare not guarantee the safety of each order in this industry. Contracts have forced liquidation and stop loss. Stop loss is not very good. You can't stand being hit by stop loss frequently, so you still have to learn to analyze and read data. If you don't understand support points, pressure points, various indicators, ma, Ema, kdj, macd, vol, etc., then hurry up and learn. Also, on the data side, some data has been internally digested in advance. You have to judge based on the market trend. If you can't hold on, just wait and see. It's not like you will die if you miss this order. Keep a good attitude, ok
