Why do men often perfunctorily treat women?

After dressing up carefully, many women will ask their husbands or boyfriends how they are, and they always reply casually that they are fine while playing with their phones. If a woman asks what is good? The man will say that everything is good and you look good in anything.

When a woman hears a man's answer like this, she feels that the man is not serious at all and is just perfunctorily treating her, so she gets angry and finds faults to quarrel with the man, and the man also thinks that the woman is unreasonable.

In fact, the fact that men seem to be perfunctory to women is related to the different attention allocation abilities of men and women: women can do many things at the same time, while men can only do one thing at a time. Women can chat with people while doing things, and it is not a problem to make soup with one hand and talk on the phone with the other hand. Men must concentrate when talking to people.

Because men only activate one side of the brain when listening to others, while women activate both sides of the brain. This is actually the result of evolution. During the hunting period, women mainly lived in tribes. Their work content was to take care of children while doing housework, so they had to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions to look after the house, which also made women develop the trait of multitasking.

When men go out hunting, they must concentrate and focus on the target to catch the prey, because once they are distracted, the prey will run away. Over time, men develop a "single-focus" thinking mode and can only handle one thing at a time.

So when a man is perfunctory with you, it's not that he doesn't care about you, but his brain can't handle so much information at a time. If you really want a man not to be perfunctory with you, then you have to let him put down what he is doing and look at you seriously. When he has only this one thing in his mind, he will not be perfunctory with you.

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