In life, when we meet the weak, we will unconsciously sympathize with them. If we don't sympathize with them, we will think that we are hard-hearted and feel guilty. But I want to tell you that you should not sympathize with the weak. Because the misery of many weak people is a trap they deliberately set. If you jump into it, it will drag you into the swamp and you can't extricate yourself.

It goes without saying that street beggars dress themselves up to look miserable in order to gain sympathy from passers-by. Most people can see through this trick at a glance. What you should be wary of is not them, but the traps set by your relatives and friends. They are very hidden. In addition, they are your relatives and friends, and you will subconsciously feel a sense of responsibility to help them, and you will unconsciously jump into the trap.

For example, if one of your friends falls in love with a woman in someone else's arms, he will change the way he says it and say that the woman he likes is in someone else's arms. When he says this, will he immediately win your sympathy? But in fact, he is coveting someone else's woman.

If you are not vigilant and think that the man has robbed your friend of his beloved woman, and you want to beat up the man and stand up for your friend, then you have fallen into the trap of the weak set by your friend. You think you are sticking your neck out for your friend, but in fact you are helping the evil.

This is not even more hidden. What is even more hidden is that the weak around you will actively put themselves in a miserable situation without knowing it. For example, if a friend is heartbroken, he will make himself extremely miserable, and you will feel distressed when you see it. Do you think his pain is fake? It is not. But he just has to be in such pain to feel comfortable. In other words, he enjoys this kind of pain.

Why? Because he subconsciously thinks he is a weak person, and he will unconsciously behave like a weak person. Only in this way can he conform to his self-identification. If he quickly gets out of it and becomes positive and self-reliant, he will feel uncomfortable.

Anyone who makes himself miserable in life is not worthy of sympathy. And those who do it unintentionally are even less worthy of sympathy than those who do it intentionally, because those who do it intentionally know that they do it intentionally, while those who do it unintentionally subconsciously think that they are weak and deserve to be miserable. There is no hope for such people, stay away from them.

Don't sympathize with the weak, they are either bad or hopeless. Those who really deserve sympathy have strong thinking and don't need your sympathy.

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