Recently, everyone has suddenly paid special attention to various data!

Today, I looked at the Bank of Japan's interest rate unchanged at 0.1% in the morning. It is finally not a negative interest rate!

The French CPI shocked me. It was 0.00%!

In the evening, the monthly rate of import prices in the United States actually dropped by 0.8%, and the one-year inflation rate in June also dropped by 0.1%!

The expected value is still the same as before, with a decline in surface inflation!

At this moment, the BTC/ETH early trading said that there is a rebound demand in the 24-48 hours!

BTC pays attention to 66000-66500 if it does not break

ETH pays attention to 3420-3445 if it does not break

Then the rebound demand on the weekend will become stronger!

If it falls below, wait and see and do not gamble for the time being!

#币安合约锦标赛 $BTC