
I saw the contract income of a group member these two days.

He grasped the BTC band in the past few days and earned 3 BTC, more than 200,000 US dollars.

It was really easy to see him making money on the contract.

In the process of the contract, it seems easy to make money.

But those who make money can't stop. They want more, 100,000 or 200,000.

In the end, they return it to the market.

If you can be more rational when playing contracts,

if you earn the target value, stop profit; if you lose the target value, stop loss.

But most people can't do it, so it's back to zero.

I envy those who win every day with contracts. They are really amazing.

If you can overcome the weaknesses of human nature, contracts can also be a tool.

It depends on how to use leverage tools.

After all, if you are given a fulcrum, you can move the earth😂

#bnb #btc #币安用户数突破2亿