What is a truly refined life?

Sociologist Li Yinhe once said: "A refined life is first sober, not ignorant; secondly, peaceful, not uneasy; thirdly, joyful, not painful." Does our pursuit of external material things really bring us these? Or does more desire create more anxiety?

Every day we long for overnight wealth, class crossing, and a good life, but have you ever thought that even if we really get lucky and make a fortune one day, can we grasp them well?

In the book "The Nature of Poverty", there are experiments showing that when the poor have a chance to get more money, they first upgrade their consumption to buy more fish, home appliances, and give their children a decent wedding, instead of accumulating money for long-term investment and making better use of the money.

For example, in South Africa, a young man who died of AIDS was a poor bachelor, and his family had to hold a grand funeral, spending 40% of the family's annual income.

The poor are used to being poor, they can't see the long-term future, so they just want to make their current life more enjoyable and more face-saving. On the other hand, aren't many young people in China doing the same thing? What long-term plans are there for the days of swiping credit cards every day and paying off Huabei?

If our personal vision, pattern and thinking mode are not enough, then the wealth from heaven may be a disaster. How many people who get rich unexpectedly fall into the reincarnation of extravagance and poverty?

The greatest fairness in this world is that when a person's wealth level is greater than his own cognitive level, society and capital will have hundreds of ways to harvest him until the person's wealth and cognition match each other.

Therefore, a truly refined life is not an investment in the "belly", not eating, drinking and having fun; nor is it an investment in the "face", not wearing gold and silver and living in a mansion, but an investment in the "brain".

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