Zhang Chaoyang said that Chinese people grow very slowly and waste too much time. From college graduation to success, they learn for 20 years or even half a lifetime, but in the end they find that they have to learn again, how to make money, how to deal with people! The best time is wasted on a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan. To put it bluntly, what schools teach is seriously out of touch with society.

Zhang Chaoyang is right, but we cannot deny the value of school education because of this. After all, you need to be embedded in the big network of society, so you have to follow the rules of society. Society recognizes academic qualifications, so you can't have one. Otherwise, if you don't have this stepping stone, you can't even get in the door, so how can you talk about future success?

There is nothing wrong with studying in college, but the problem is that you take learning knowledge too seriously and regard it as the only goal. In fact, in college, learning knowledge is not that important, as long as you can get that diploma. The most important thing is to make money, make mistakes, and be solid. Of course, this school will not teach you, you have to learn it by yourself, explore it, and understand it.

In his first year at Wuhan University, Lei Jun began to use his spare time to help others with programming, from accounting to gadgets, and became financially independent in his freshman year. In his junior year, he had earned his first million yuan in his life through programming. In his senior year, he founded Sanse Company with Wang Quanguo and others, laying a solid foundation for his later life.

Coincidentally, Jack Ma rode his bicycle for 40 minutes every morning to the hotel near the West Lake to serve as a free tour guide for foreigners to improve his spoken English. In the process, he met a family from Australia and became friends with them. After returning to China, the family invited him to travel to Australia.

To go abroad, you need a visa. It was very difficult to get a visa at that time. He went to Beijing to apply for a visa and was rejected 7 times. Later, with his unremitting efforts, he finally got a visa. He bought a plane ticket and flew to Australia, where he stayed for 29 days. Later, he said that the trip to Australia really changed him. If it weren't for those 29 days, I would never think like I do today.

The most important thing in college is not to learn knowledge, but to have enough time and low enough cost to verify your own ideas and make mistakes. Even if you make a mistake, you won't lose anything. Once you graduate and enter the society, not to mention having to support your family after marriage and having children, you dare not make mistakes. Even the rent of several thousand yuan a month makes you dare not make mistakes, because without income, you have nowhere to live. What is the result? Just like what Zhang Chaoyang said, wasting the best time on a salary of 4,000 yuan per person, and becoming mediocre.

What is the most precious thing in life? It is the opportunity cost given by time. The most important thing in college is not to learn knowledge, but to seize the opportunity cost, to make money, to gain experience, and to make mistakes.

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