Many people feel uncomfortable when they see this sentence, and think that those who say this are snobs who despise the poor and love the rich. In fact, this sentence does not mean that people in the upper class have good character and people in the lower class have bad character, but that their different ecological niches determine their behavior.

Wang Xing recently drastically reduced the delivery price of Meituan’s takeaways from the original 7 yuan to 3.5 yuan. Many riders expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, and riders in some places even went on strike to protest Meituan’s move. However, Wang Xing did not back down. He quickly transferred riders from other places at high prices to fill the vacancies, ensuring the normal operation of Meituan’s takeaways.

It is said that in response to the protests and strikes by riders, Wang Xing said in a public response that 3.5 yuan is very low, isn't it? Aren't they also taken by other riders? However, Meituan has not stopped lowering the delivery price. Now, the delivery price of a Meituan order has dropped to 2.5 yuan, but riders still accept orders at such a low starting price.

Why are there still riders accepting orders even though the unit price is so low? Isn't this just people stepping on each other? It seems like people stepping on each other, but in fact it is because their ecological niche is too low.

The threshold for becoming a rider is very low. No academic qualifications, core skills, or connections are required. All you need is a person who is healthy and can run and jump. This means that they can only provide homogeneous value - physical strength, and who wins in the end depends on who is more willing to give and who offers a lower price. If you don't do it, I will do it. If you do it, I will offer a lower price. In the end, people are trampling on each other.

Why do people in the upper class praise others? Because they are in a high ecological niche, they don’t have to worry about their livelihood all day long, so they have time, energy and resources to create different values ​​and compete with others in a differentiated way.

There is a story that illustrates this point very well. A Jew saw that there was no gas station on a highway, so he opened a gas station on the roadside. Because it was the only one, all drivers on the road came to his gas station to refuel, and the business was very good. Another Jew saw it and thought, since there are so many people, I will open a restaurant next to it. Because the restaurant is also the only one, the business is also very good. Another Jew saw it and thought, since that is the case, I will open a supermarket, because the supermarket is also the only one, the business is also very good. Later, a lively market area was formed, and everyone was willing to come here to consume because it was so convenient.

The upper class likes to drink tea, chat, and meet more people. Whether it is a friend or a stranger, they are willing to sit down with each other, drink a cup of tea and chat. It is not because they love socializing, but because they are looking at the needs of the other party during the chat, what value they can provide to the other party, what value the other party can provide to themselves, and what kind of cooperation the two parties can carry out.

They hope that the other party will be good. If the other party is a customer, then the cooperation can only continue if the other party is good. If the other party is a supplier, then the other party will be good so that they can provide better products and services. Isn't this just one person praising another?

The upper class praises others, while the lower class steps on others. This is not determined by character, but by ecological niche.

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