Today's order thinking

The IO market analysis for the day is as follows:

The 15-level and 1-hour levels are currently dominated by bulls. Today, special attention should be paid to the 1-hour level of the long-short watershed, which is near 4.831.

The lower target prices are: 4.771, 4.718 and 4.581.

If the market rebounds, the upper target prices are: 4.998, 5.039 and 5.124. If the rebound fails to break through these three prices, the market may continue to go short. It is recommended to watch the market in the short term and pay attention to the changes in the strength of the long and short positions in real time.

2. Today's news

Yesterday, the US Bitcoin spot ETF had a net outflow of 226.2 million US dollars, and only IBIT showed a net inflow

Odaily Planet Daily News Farside Investors monitoring data shows that yesterday, the US Bitcoin spot ETF had a net outflow of 226.2 million US dollars, of which only BlackRock IBIT showed a net inflow

(18.2 million US dollars).

3: The intraday market of the market

[BTC market]

A purple signal appeared in 1 hour, but the short side was dominant in 2/4 hours.

Today's focus: 4-hour level long and short watershed, the key point is around 67530.8, who will be the winner?

Lower support: First pay attention to the three price levels of 66184.6, 65400.2 and 64580.2.

Upper challenge: Can the rebound break through the three price levels of 68270.3, 69036.8 and 69999.5?

For short-term operations, pay attention to the long and short forces in real time. If they are not broken, they will be empty. The market is changing. Are you ready?

ETH today:

The trend of the antenna and four-hour level is empty, pay attention to the four-hour long and short price: around 3512.72.

If this price is not broken, it will continue to be empty, and the target position is around: 3467.85-3448.56-3427.07.

If this price is broken, the bulls are expected, and the upward target is around: 3562.23-3609.383-3656.52.

Brothers, be cautious when placing orders, and protect your capital.

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