The most "gold digger" I know

When I first started working, I met a young couple. The woman was a freight forwarder in our company. She was the only child of an ordinary worker in Shanghai. She looked average. Although she was not delicate, she looked quite generous. She was 160 cm tall and weighed 130 kg. She was a dark and fat girl.

The man was from Jiangxi and came from Yinhang. He was very handsome, a typical pretty boy. Although he was only about 175 cm tall, he had delicate skin and compact features. He probably did not mix well, and resigned from Yinhang after marrying the woman.

The woman brought some customers from her original company, and the young couple started with this, and slowly opened a truck fleet together.

The man said that in order to give the woman a sense of security, the company's legal person and shareholders should all be written in the woman's and her father's names. He believed that his wife [smiled] The woman was very happy and wanted to live a good life with her husband.

But our freight forwarders are many carefree and don't confide their worries. The man said that he came from Yinhang, and he should just take care of the company's accounts. The woman thought that since they were married and a family, she naturally gave him the responsibility.

One year after the marriage, they had a daughter. The woman's family paid the down payment and bought a house for the young couple. In daily work, the man was responsible for going out to solicit business, and the woman was in charge of operations in the back.

Everything looks normal, right? The man looked like a good man, right? A typical configuration of "man working outside, woman working inside", right?

As a result, when the child was three years old, the man hooked up with a female boss from Zhejiang, quickly embezzled all the money in the company's account and ran away. He never contacted his daughter again and never gave a penny for child support. Among them, the series of complex operation methods of embezzling money can be seen that the man may have set up a trap when the two just got married and started a company.

The follow-up was many years later, and the woman was still dealing with various lawsuits. Not only did she lose everything, but she was also in debt. She will definitely not be able to get up in this life.

If the genders were reversed, would the man be scolded to death?

But in fact, many people secretly said, who made this woman covet the man's good looks?