Jack Ma talks about Bitcoin. If Bitcoin really works, the financial and trade order will change completely.

Jack Ma said, first of all, I don't understand Bitcoin, and I am confused, but if Bitcoin really works, the global trade and financial order rules will change completely. I don't think we are ready to deal with this change now, so I am more concerned about my Alipay.

What do netizens think of Jack Ma's answer?

1. If Bitcoin is fully applied, it will be equivalent to killing Jack Ma's Alipay.

2. Bitcoin is anonymous. This is the biggest problem. Bribery and illegal transactions are all done with Bitcoin, and they cannot be found. Isn't the country in chaos? my country will definitely not develop Bitcoin.

3. Blockchain is the next Internet era. Get familiar with it before it matures!

4. Bitcoin and blockchain are integrated. Of course, they can also be used separately. I don't think Jack Ma's words are wrong, but they are not completely right. The core of blockchain is decentralization. If you only study blockchain, or centralization, then such blockchain technology is also a big flaw! So let's leave the blockchain technology to the future! Not to any one person!

5. Alibaba is researching blockchain. It is obvious that Alibaba attaches great importance to this technology!

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