This set of short-term trading experience will help you cross the bull and bear markets.

Choose to operate in the rising sentiment cycle: perform short-term operations when market sentiment rises, and do not enter the market during the period of sentiment recession.

Mainstream sector effect: choose mainstream stocks with sector effects, and do not operate non-mainstream or single stocks.

Enter the market during a bullish trend: buy when the bullish trend is confirmed, rather than intervening halfway. Although it seems to make less money on the surface, it actually improves efficiency and certainty, especially when the ability is insufficient.

Follow the time: When the market environment is good, the success rate of short-term operations is higher; when the market environment is not good, be cautious, especially avoid relay operations in the acceleration stage.

Choose currencies with high certainty: only operate currencies that you can understand and have high certainty.

Pay attention to fundamentals and market value: choose stocks with good fundamentals, moderate market value and sufficient room for growth. #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息?