Talking about quality without considering quantity is just hooliganism.

A public intellectual once said in a speech that more than 40 million people in the United States live below the poverty line, and more than 18.5 million people live in extreme poverty. The United States has a population of 200 million. According to this statement, one in every five people in the United States lives in poverty. Do you think life in the United States is really miserable after listening to it?

But do you know what the poverty standard in the United States is? According to the standards announced by the United States in 2024, a single-person household with an annual income of less than $12,880 is considered poor, and extreme poverty refers to people who are less than 50% of the poverty standard, that is, an annual income of less than $6,440.

What is the concept of $12,880? It is equivalent to 93,380 yuan, which is nearly 7,800 yuan per month. Do you think a monthly income of 7,800 yuan is still considered poor?

The former prime minister once said that there are more than 900 million people in my country with a monthly income of 2,000 yuan, and 600 million people with a monthly income of 1,000 yuan. According to American standards, more than 900 million people in China are poor, and they are extremely poor.

In this comparison, who is worse off? Of course, it is not to say that life in China is worse than life in the United States, because the social structure, cost of living, etc. are different. But these data-based comparisons allow people to better understand the truth.

Why doesn't this public intellectual publish the data behind these? Because once these data are published, the conclusions people draw are contrary to the conclusions he wants to guide people to draw.

In life, we often encounter similar situations. For example, when a merchant advertises, he claims that the efficiency of his product is 50% higher than that of similar products. Do you think his product is pretty good? But what level is the similar product he is talking about? Is it the top 1 in the industry, or the bottom? If it is the bottom, even if it exceeds 50%, it is still below the average level. Do you still think his product is good?

Putting aside quantity and talking about quality is just playing rogue. In life, we must have a certain data thinking. When encountering a problem, we must consider whether it has data support, where the data comes from, and whether it is reliable. Otherwise, we will be led by the rogue and fall into the ditch without knowing what is going on.

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