! ! Important notice! ! Important notice! !

2024 is the year of the US election. What is interesting about this round of elections is that the candidates are all expressing their views on cryptocurrencies, which in turn affects the cryptocurrency market. For example, Trump continues to send friendly signals to cryptocurrencies.

$MEME + Election concept - this type of currency has begun to attract attention, thus deriving a new track - the US election track: it is called PolitiFi abroad, and the leading maga has increased 20 times from the beginning of the year to now!

But if we look at the timing of the US election, there are actually multiple opportunities in the second half of the year, including:

June 27: First debate

July 15-18: Republican National Convention

August 19-22: Democratic National Convention

September 10: Second debate

November 5: National general election

December 2024: Electoral College votes;

January 20, 2025: Presidential Inauguration Day

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