Why didn't the United States cut interest rates this time?

Canada and Europe cut interest rates, but the United States did not. The fundamental reasons are actually the following three points. You must thoroughly understand these three points, otherwise you don't need to pay attention to international finance at all. Paying attention to financial wars and the Federal Reserve is just a layman watching the fun.

Let's talk about these three points formally. Before talking about these three points, we must first take down the Fed's mouth cannon. He said that in order to solve inflation, this is simply fooling foreign ghosts. This inflation index is a number that he can adjust at will. It is a slave who serves the Fed's interest rate cut and interest rate hike policies wholeheartedly. The Fed can make it become the desired number at any time. The result is completely determined by the Fed, so you can only look but not believe it.

What are the three real reasons? The first and most critical reason is that the time point for the US dollar hegemony to harvest the world is not after the interest rate cut as you think, but precisely the last high interest period before the interest rate cut. At this point, if the Fed cannot catch any fish, the capital of other countries will not die after the interest rate cut. The interest rate cut will release water, which will only cause the prices of high-quality assets in other countries to soar, and then all the fish will run away completely. The United States can no longer afford it. Do you think it can accept this? It certainly can't. It won't accept this fish.

Second, do you think the current inflation in the United States is already very serious? Unfortunately, it is not a rate cut at all. If it cannot buy fixed assets to enrich capital and increase some incentives that will lay eggs, it will definitely cause a sharp depreciation of the US dollar in the future, and the funds in the United States will increase sharply, causing severe inflation. The real scene is ten, dozens, or even hundreds of times more tragic than the current inflation. At that time, he must be in chaos, and this is also a scene that he absolutely cannot see.

Third, there is another point that is easily overlooked, that is, the total amount of US debt is 35 trillion, and the interest cost is 5%. The total amount is actually far less terrible than everyone imagines.

Therefore, the most uncomfortable point for the United States is not the interest on US debt. The difficulty of maintaining high interest rates is actually far less than everyone imagines.

Some people are happy and some are worried. As I said before, I can take you ashore, just lie down.

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