Odaily Planet Daily News Paradigm co-founder Matt Huang posted on the X platform that Paradigm has completed the fundraising of its third fund, with a fund size of US$850 million, focusing on venture capital investment in early-stage crypto projects. In addition, he said, "When we founded Paradigm in 2018, we believed that cryptocurrency would become one of the most important technological and economic changes in the next few decades. Six years later, this belief has become even stronger. Bitcoin's market value has reached over a trillion. Ethereum, Solana and other blockchain networks are gradually expanding. Stablecoins are being adopted globally and cutting-edge research is accelerating. New infrastructure is enabling consumer applications. Hundreds of millions of people own cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency is now a protagonist on the global political stage. At this moment, Paradigm is proud to be an early contributor and the first external investor in projects that are shaping the crypto landscape. Uniswap pioneered decentralized exchanges using AMM. Optimism pioneered one of the industry's leading models for large-scale blockchain adoption. Flashbots defined the concept of MEV and redefined how blocks are built. This is a relevant contribution we like to make to early development, and it is also the work we will focus more and more on in the future (including through our EIR and incubation programs). It is more important than ever to accelerate the positive development of crypto technology, not only as investors, but also as builders. In the past few years, we have launched several open source projects, including the popular Ethereum development tool Foundry “We are excited to continue contributing to these projects in the coming years. We are grateful to our community of portfolio founders and collaborators, as well as our limited partners, for their support and partnership with Paradigm.”