Many people ask me about altcoins. In fact, at this stage, I am quite resistant to the current altcoin projects. There is only Bitcoin in the currency circle. When it comes to altcoin projects, the application of the currency circle will never be better than the stock market. The US stock market has a mature company valuation system and mature supervision. Companies that create applications that truly change the world have doubled dozens of times in the past few years on Nasdaq. If the empowerment of the currency circle is the same as that of the US stock market, with overlapping landing, then the currency circle is doomed.

Forgot why I played with coins in the first place?

Retail investors come to the currency circle to find asymmetric opportunities to make a small profit with a high return. There is only this core reason for entry. If the currency circle can no longer provide such an opportunity for asymmetric returns, then the currency circle that is not managed will only have risks. The remaining opportunities in the currency circle are far from making up for the dividends of making stable money in the US stock market. The watershed of the decline of this circle is the current discussion of application landing, so it is recommended to block all bloggers who talk about project application analysis#ZKsync空投争议 $BTC #币安用户数突破2亿