BTC market interpretation: This week's key position for game is 66,000, the amplitude is narrowed, and we will take it one step at a time. Recommended reading: ★★★

After the macro narrative turned pessimistic, Bitcoin did not follow the rise of the US stock market, but fell again in the short term, gradually approaching 66,000. This position was stress tested on Tuesday this week and successfully stabilized and rebounded. At present, this position is also the key position for game this week. This position belongs to a dense technical support area.

Under the premise of losing emotional mobilization, the support pressure has increased sharply. At present, we will take it one step at a time. Although there will not be a large decline in the short term (except for the small probability of black swans), we cannot be overly optimistic.

Phased points: 66,000 is the game support this week. If it falls below, we will see the 63,500 weekly support.

Short-term rebound: 67,850, if the position rebounds and does not break, we will continue to see a volatile decline and support.

Medium-term rebound: 68,800, pay attention to the breakthrough and stabilization of the rebound to this position, and continue to see a volatile decline if the rebound is invalid.

If the short-term and medium-term positions are not broken, it will be regarded as an invalid rebound from the technical perspective. If it breaks through, we will continue to see the stabilization. If there is no major negative news, it will basically be in this range this week.

RSI: Daily level expenditure 45, which is a neutral value, a natural trading range, short-term break below 30, we must pay attention to the rebound.

66,000 stabilized before the weekend, and the cottage may get a respite over the weekend.

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