@Everyone 6.13 Thursday night BTC ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 67800 and Ethereum is 3497. The previous analysis and predicted trend are basically in line with expectations. It will continue to fluctuate in the next few days. Yesterday's Tiandimen, the range was slightly deviated from expectations, but the trend is still a wash-out and oscillating trend. What needs to be focused on here is the entry position of the spot and whether the subsequent four hours will form a continuous decline, or the bottom divergence will accelerate the market, and then drive the daily line to further drive the weekly line. There will be no weekly prediction here. This will have to wait until Monday for analysis. The market here basically needs a second bottoming out and a wave of short-term support levels to have upward demand! Bitcoin short-term pressure level 68700 69600 support level 66800 65900,

Ether basically still follows the trend, not much analysis, and the operation is also following Bitcoin! Ethereum short-term pressure 3575 3645 support level 3450 3367! The short-term contract also follows this operation! #币安用户数突破2亿 #美联储何时降息? #BTC