This year, the people who lost the most are not the people who speculate in cryptocurrencies, nor the people who buy funds, and certainly not the people who buy houses.

In our community, there is a row of shops at the door. In just half a year, 10 shops have closed down, including restaurants, pharmacies, barber shops, clothing stores, and even a large supermarket...

As expected, these people have almost lost all their money. It's not that they can't hold on, they will not give up the shop they have run for several years. People are in the shop. Unless they are almost losing all their money, they will choose to close the shop. Closing the shop means that they have completely given up, whether it is the old customers or the future.

They should be the people who lost the most, almost losing all their money. I have applied for cards in the store before, whether it is a restaurant card or a barber card, I can't use it before it expires, because the store is closed, so now whenever I hear about applying for a card, I feel a headache. I don't dare to do it anymore. I feel that entrepreneurs are the worst people at present.

Although the wealth has shrunk in the currency circle, funds, buying houses, etc., you still have passive income, which is something that others cannot measure. So, is cash really king now? Tell me about the shops around your community. Have many of them closed down this year?

#币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落