If you make 3 million in the cryptocurrency circle, would you dare to lie down? Since my neighbor had 3 million, she quit her job and lay down at home every day!

My neighbor is only 37 years old this year, but since the end of last year, she sold a house. After holding 3 million, she quit her job and started not working, and lived a life of lying down every day.

Anyway, she has 3 million in her hand. She thinks it is enough to spend until she is old, and there is no point in working again. She just wants to eat whatever she likes and drink whatever she wants. Such a life is so chic.

She said, 3 million is enough to spend, what is there to be afraid of, anyway, she never spends lavishly, just an ordinary and simple lying down, enough to spend until the day she leaves this world.

My days of lying down are quite simple. Go to bed early and get up early, and ensure 9 hours of adequate sleep every day. Regular morning jogging. Breakfast is milk, bread, nuts, and fruits.

Play with mobile phones after breakfast, play with mobile phones after lunch, and play with mobile phones after dinner. Every day she lies down, lies down, lies down, lies down, the world is complicated, and it has nothing to do with her.

She usually chases dramas, watches Douyin, does housework, washes clothes, mops the floor, basks in the sun, plays with cats, stays at home, and almost never goes downstairs except for buying groceries.

She said that now, for her, except for life and death, nothing else is so important. What she wants is this comfortable and simple way of lying down.

Since lying down, she has been as calm as a chrysanthemum, and she doesn't want to make money or make friends. She just stays as happy as she wants every day, lying down first, and cultivating her mind second.

She said that 3 million is enough to spend, anyway, she doesn't want much, just lie down like this, what kind of life can be more comfortable than this life, how much money she makes, it's the end, so let it go, she doesn't want to rush for money anymore.

Do you agree to lie down at a young age?

If you make 3 million in the currency circle, do you dare to lie down?