Just now a friend told me that he shorted $IO last night and the position was blown up.

Opened a 10x short position, and the opening and closing time was only 1 hour.

The 110,000 yuan accumulated after months of hard work was gone.

In order to speculate in cryptocurrencies, he almost overdrew all his credit cards.

Now he has to face hundreds of thousands of debts every month.

To be honest, playing contracts is no different from gambling and taking drugs.

In the face of high-leverage contract transactions,

the vast majority of retail investors in the cryptocurrency circle will become dead souls.

Many players will not have any remorse unless they lose all their assets.

As a senior cryptocurrency investor, I share my experience and insights for free. Are you interested in the cryptocurrency circle but don’t know where to start? Follow me and see my homepage, and I will take you to achieve freedom in this bull market. #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #美联储何时降息?