If you keep losing money in the cryptocurrency circle, is it necessary to continue to persist?

In the cryptocurrency circle, don't violate the basic taboos. I dare not say that you will definitely make money, but it is also difficult for you to lose money.

First of all, contracts: Can contracts be played?

Of course you can. But don't expect to make a fortune with contracts, just a little gambling for fun, don't get too deep.

Just use a small amount of funds to have fun. The money invested in contracts must be prepared for liquidation, because contracts can be controlled. The exchange can use a huge amount of chips to smash the market and control the trend of the market in a short period of time, which is the so-called pin.

In plain words, if they want you to liquidate, they can make you liquidate.

You think you are playing a fair game, but in fact you are just meat on their chopping board. In addition, leeks often like to do contracts. If you win too much and lose too much, you will lose your mind. All previous operation strategies are forgotten and you can only lose money.

The second is debt: as a risky market, the biggest opportunity in the cryptocurrency circle is to borrow money to invest.

Not just in the cryptocurrency world, any investment behavior cannot borrow money for investment, because once you start borrowing money, you are doomed to lose.

Borrowing money has a cost. In the cryptocurrency world, you can only take advantage of the rising situation. Once it falls, the huge borrowing cost is enough to crush you.

The mentality will also be affected. If you like to watch the market at any time and like to operate frequently, in order to quickly recover the loss in the falling market, you will choose to gamble and eventually lose everything.

You may feel that God will not let you be so pitiful, but the fact is that the cryptocurrency world is more cruel than the worst case you think. #美联储何时降息?

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