The latest economic outlook released by the Federal Reserve on the same day pointed out that compared with March, the Federal Reserve maintained its forecast for US economic growth at 2.1% and 2% this year and next year. The unemployment rate in the United States is expected to be 4% and 4.2% this year and next year respectively. At the same time, the inflation expectation measured by the personal consumption expenditure price index this year is 2.6%, and the core inflation expectation after excluding food and energy prices is 2.8%, both of which have been raised by 0.2 percentage points.

Based on the economic outlook, the median forecast of the target range of the federal funds rate by the end of this year by 19 members of the Federal Open Market Committee is between 4.9% and 5.4%. Among them, 11 members believe that the Federal Reserve will implement a maximum of one interest rate cut this year, and 8 members expect the Federal Reserve to implement two interest rate cuts this year. The vast majority of officials expect that the Federal Reserve is expected to implement up to five interest rate cuts by the end of 2025.

Market review: Judging from the current trend, it continued to fall in the morning, and the low test gave a first-line position of 66957. Wei Yi's early morning shorting of Cake took more than 1,500 points, and Ether took more than 90 points. Cowards cannot experience the joy of success. If you want to succeed, then choose to be brave!

In terms of trend, the 4-hour chart returned from the upper rail of the Bollinger Bands under pressure to the lower rail, and the overall trend was still in a narrow contraction and shock. However, it was strong at the beginning of the week and attacked the upper rail many times, but it failed to form a breakout continuation of the range. After closing lower after retesting the lower rail yesterday, the 4-hour chart is still running below the breakout downward trend line. The Bollinger Bands still form an opening, break the upper rail of the range and then adjust the thinking, choose high positions in the shock market, and look for a weaker closing. Today's operation idea is to choose high positions below the upper rail.

Big Pie idea: short around 67800, target 66000

Ether idea: short around 3530, target 3400$BTC $ETH #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #非农就业人数高于预期 #meme板块关注热点 #美联储何时降息?