What should I do if I get too excited about trading and can't control my hands?

In the world of trading, I often find myself easily excited and unable to control my trading impulse. I believe that this is a problem that many traders will face. Faced with the temptation of floating losses and profits, we all hope to reach the sky in one step, but often end up with nothing. Here, I summarize six personal experiences, hoping to inspire and help all traders.

First, it is crucial to cultivate self-control. We must learn to stay calm and rational in trading and not be swayed by the emotions of gain and loss. Once an operation plan is formulated, it must be implemented unswervingly to avoid impromptu or hesitation.

Secondly, it is also indispensable to maintain a stable trading mentality. Being too excited or frustrated may cause our operations to deform and affect the results of the transaction. Therefore, we need to make every transaction on the basis of maintaining a stable mood to ensure that the operation is not distorted.

Third, strict implementation of operational discipline is the key to success. We need to formulate a clear operation plan before trading and strictly follow the plan in trading. Even in the face of attractive trading opportunities, we cannot easily modify the pre-made plan and develop a good style of saying one thing and one thing.

Fourth, keeping a relaxed trading mood helps us better cope with market changes. In trading, we don't have to be too nervous or focused, let alone too excited. On the contrary, we should face the market with a relaxed attitude and respond flexibly to various changes.

Fifth, forming an operating rhythm that suits you is crucial to stable profits. Everyone's operating habits are different. We need to find an operating rhythm that suits us according to our own characteristics and avoid being disturbed by the rhythm of the market.

Finally, developing a habit of reviewing and thinking can help us constantly sum up experience and lessons and improve trading skills. By reviewing important technical points, we can better understand market dynamics and optimize trading strategies.

In general, short-term speculative trading is not only a test of trading mentality and trading cultivation, but also a comprehensive test of our personality type, inner cultivation and external technology.#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落