The current bull market we are experiencing is truly unprecedented. First of all, it presents an obvious polarization feature. The initial stage of the bull market is strong and rapid, but the subsequent upward momentum seems to be somewhat sluggish. Upon careful analysis, this reflects profound changes in the market capital structure. The strong intervention of formal capital undoubtedly injected strong vitality into the market and promoted the initial rapid rise. However, as the market gradually stabilized, funds began to enter a sideways consolidation stage, and the pace of rise slowed accordingly.

At the same time, we have observed that the liquidity of the altcoin market is obviously insufficient, the rotation between sectors is slow, and the sustainability of the rise is worrying. In sharp contrast, retail investors are not very enthusiastic about VC coins. They are more inclined to pay attention to those coins with large circulation, low market value but high market popularity. This reflects a conservative sentiment in the market. Many investors choose to wait and see, waiting for clearer signals.

In summary, the current bull market has not yet reached the peak of true FOMO sentiment. This means that we still have the opportunity to patiently wait for the market to rise further by holding high-quality coins. Therefore, I suggest that everyone stay calm, have firm confidence, continue to hold the coins in their hands, and wait for the next outbreak point of the market.


The recent strong performance of the market is not accidental, but is supported by deep logic and potential. In particular, the TON ecosystem, its uniqueness and highlights are worth our in-depth discussion.

The charm of TON ecosystem is first reflected in its close integration with Telegram's huge user base. Imagine that 900 million users can directly own encrypted wallets. This is not only a major innovation in the banking system, but also brings an unprecedented user base to the cryptocurrency field. This user base not only provides huge traffic support for TON ecosystem, but also lays a solid foundation for its future development.

At the application level, the TON ecosystem also performed well. Take the game Catizen as an example. It cleverly grasped the psychology of users and created an interesting and attractive game inspired by the popular "jump" and "shoot the plane" in WeChat applets. This positioning strategy not only allowed Catizen to quickly attract a large number of users, but also injected new vitality into the further development of the TON ecosystem.

Recently, the TON ecosystem has ushered in a new wave of popularity. The launch of projects such as NotCoin has injected new vitality into the TON ecosystem. As a Pi-like zero-cost platform, NotCoin has full circulation of tokens and miners account for up to 78%. Although such a structure may make investors feel a little tricky at the beginning, from the perspective of volatility, it provides investors with abundant operating space. In the case of a low opening, investors have every opportunity to seize the opportunity and obtain considerable returns.

In summary, the TON ecosystem has demonstrated strong vitality and development potential with its huge user base, excellent applications, and continuous launch of new projects. For investors, the TON ecosystem is undoubtedly a treasure worthy of attention and exploration.

2. OK

ONDO demonstrates an unprecedented way to seamlessly integrate traditional finance with the DeFi world. It uses carefully designed financial products such as installment payments and liquidity pools to not only promote institutional-level earnings growth, but also provide investors with stable and predictable returns in the highly volatile crypto market. This unique hybrid model undoubtedly meets the needs of risk-averse investors seeking stable returns, making ONDO unique among many crypto assets.

Render (RNDR) has revolutionized the graphics rendering ecosystem with its innovative approach. By decentralizing the rendering process, Render Network connects creators around the world with idle GPU resources, greatly simplifying the process of obtaining high-quality graphics rendering and reducing costs. With the increasing demand for graphics quality in fields such as games, movies, and virtual reality, the practical application prospects of Render Network are particularly broad and have huge growth potential.


Optimism, as the core expansion solution of Ethereum, has demonstrated its strong market influence, and its total locked value (TVL) has exceeded US$786 million. This figure undoubtedly highlights its prominent position in the Ethereum ecosystem. . It is worth mentioning that Base Network, as a project built on OP Stack, is actively contributing to Optimism Collective. This interaction not only enhances the ecological vitality of Optimism Network, but also brings broader community support to it. .

As the Base network gradually attracts market attention, its success indirectly injects new vitality into the Optimism block, further driving the demand for OP tokens. Since its launch in June 2023, the price of Optimism has experienced a significant wave of increases, and although the price has fluctuated within a certain range since then ($2.5 to $2.0), the overall trend has remained strong. Currently, Optimism has a market capitalization of US$2.4 billion, trading at a stable price of US$2.2, and hitting a record high of US$4.85 in March 2024.

Looking ahead, as the launch of the Ethereum spot ETF has become the focus of market discussion, we have reason to believe that Optimism will usher in another explosion in value. Especially considering the market narrative and capital flow that the Ethereum ETF may bring, investing in Optimism is expected to achieve a return of more than 500% between June and July. Of course, this forecast still depends on the specific launch time of the Ethereum ETF and the market reaction. But in any case, as a highly anticipated Ethereum expansion solution, Optimism undoubtedly has huge potential for future development.

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