The adjustment is not over yet, treat it with the idea of ​​first going up and then going up!

After the deep V, it keeps falling, it seems that a new round of adjustment is about to begin. As soon as I opened my eyes, the big cake had already reached the 67,000 line in the morning, and it was shaky here and was definitely going to fall. The last time it dropped to 66,000, it went deep V and pulled up to the 70,000 line with the help of news. After midnight, it went down all the way and encountered a rebound at 67,000. Now the price is at 67,600 and is in a shock repair.

The daily K level closed with a small positive line with an upper shadow yesterday, and the price tested the support of the lower Bollinger track and rebounded. The 4-hour level went out of a big deep V, the Bollinger band opened, the MACD red kinetic energy column has not shrunk, and the KDJ went down after the dead cross. The overall market is still weak. The idea of ​​the day is mainly high and empty, and look at the support strength of 66,000 where it was tested last time. The market rebounded again at 67000. Now we can make a move at 67600. The target is not too big. We will start to make moves in batches at 68300 and 68800. The target is 67000 and 66000.

Strategy: Make moves directly near the current price of 67600. The target is 68300 and 68800. The defense is 67000.

Rebound at 68300 and 68800. The target is 67000 and 66000. The defense is 69300.

The aunt also made a big deep V. Therefore, under the influence of data, all analysis and K-line are pale and powerless. We can only say that risk control is king and risk avoidance should be done in advance. The current price of the aunt is 3513. We will see a wave of rebounds during the day, and then treat it with a high price. The upper pressure is 3560 and 3600, and the lower support is 3430.

Strategy: The current price is around 3510, the target is 3560 and 3600, and the defense is 3470.

Rebound to 3590 and 3600 in batches, the target is 3500 and 3430, and the defense is 3640

The above is only a personal opinion, the market changes in real time, everything is based on the actual market guidance, investment is risky, enter the market with caution! #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #币安用户数突破2亿