【2024.6.13 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis】

Last night, the data was positive and it surged, but in the middle of the night, the data was negative and it was smashed down again. This kind of market gives you a little hope and makes you despair. Spot is okay, and those who buy at low prices are too lazy to look at it. It’s pitiful for contract players. If the direction is reversed, both long and short will lose money.

When encountering this kind of news, it is best to wait and see, don’t lick blood on the knife edge. The veterans are waiting for the news to pass to open orders, but a group of leeks stay up late to open orders and lose money! The highest realm of trading is to control your hands and do the market that you can understand and are sure of. The contract market is about who can live longer, and steady and continuous profits are more important than anything else!

Another thing is to stay away from copycat coins. Those bloggers who always say that copycat coins will rise tenfold or a hundredfold, everyone will block one if they meet one. If you really believe that you are a dragon among men, then you should buy it. If it doesn’t rise at that time, you will find those bloggers who shout and pull the market yourself.

This is the third bull market that Mr. Zhang has experienced. I didn’t make much money, but I still have experience, cognition and the thinking of the banker. After all, I have issued TOKEN before. If you have been a banker, you will understand how the banker of the copycat makes everyone’s assets transfer.

From last year to this year, I have never said that the copycat will be ten times or a hundred times. No, I didn’t dare to say five times. I dare not draw this pie and I am too lazy to draw it. I only PUA everyone to buy big cakes, Ethereum and BNB every time there is a big drop!

Today’s market analysis:

$BTC Pay attention to the position of 67575 today. Only when the 4-hour closing line stands above this position, the market decline will end. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of the small-level rebound near 68350-69260-70200.

If the 4-hour closing line today does not stand above the position of 67575, the market will most likely continue to go down. Pay attention to the lower support level near 66965-66525-66000! #BTC走势预测

$ETH Pay attention to the position of 3520 today. Only when the 4-hour closing line stands above this position, the market decline will end. The upper target/pressure level of the small-level rebound should pay attention to the positions of 3575-3622-3666.

If the 4-hour closing line does not stand above 3520 today, the market will most likely continue to fall. Pay attention to the lower support level of 3463-3428-3355!#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥