Things that may happen in the next few years:

1. No one reads newspapers.

2. No one buys TV sets.

3. More and more people are delivering food and delivering express.

4. No one can find a job after 40.

5. No one uses cameras.

6. Abacus has disappeared.

7. Waiters are getting older and older.

8. Young people have only learned sexual openness and asking for things.

9. Many lost skills.

10. No one listens to the radio.

11. There are fewer and fewer clothing stores.

12. Robots replace human labor. "Some restaurants already have robots delivering food."

13. Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more advanced.

14. Country people can't get married.

15. Leftover women are everywhere in first- and second-tier cities.

16. Relatives don't visit each other.

17. Neighbors don't know each other.

18. Everyone is tightening their purse strings and not buying houses or cars.

19. Nursing homes are becoming more and more prosperous.

20. Bank deposit interest rates are getting lower and lower.

Additions are welcome.