#IO #美国5月CPI超预期回落

Top 10 must-see self-help strategies for people in the cryptocurrency circle

1. Fixed income + strategic options

Description: People in the financial circle seek additional investment returns to increase their income by investing in fixed income products and options.

2. Only take basic salary

Description: In order to reduce investment risks, some people in the financial circle choose to rely only on basic salary to maintain their lives and avoid financial pressure caused by overinvestment.

3. Go to get off work at fixed times from 9 to 5

Description: Maintain regular working hours and avoid excessive overtime to maintain physical and mental health, while ensuring sufficient spare time for other activities.

4. Cryptocurrency speculation

Description: Trade digital currencies in your spare time to seek additional income growth opportunities, but pay attention to the volatility and risk of the digital currency market.

5. Provide college entrance examination counseling, study abroad application, and volunteer application consultation

Description: Use your own educational background and professional knowledge to provide consulting services for college entrance examination candidates and international students to help them better plan for the future.

6. Driver and bodyguard service

Description: Using personal advantages such as physical fitness and eloquence, provide personalized services such as driver and bodyguard to increase income sources.

7. Inclusive financial strategy

Description: Publish financial knowledge on social media to benefit the public and improve the public's financial literacy and financial management ability.

8. Industry-university integration strategy

Description: Write research reports, open courses, etc. in spare time to share financial knowledge and achieve industry-university integration development.

9. Support agriculture and small businesses strategy

Description: Sell agricultural products on social platforms such as WeChat Moments to support the development of rural areas and small and micro enterprises, while bringing certain benefits to yourself.

10. Channel business strategy

Description: Trade second-hand goods on platforms such as Xianyu, use your own channels and resources to increase income sources.

Additional strategies

1. Capital idle strategy

Description: Take "teaching people to run side businesses" or "teaching people to find jobs" as a side business, help others achieve career development by sharing your own experience and knowledge, and bring extra income to yourself.

2. Barbell strategy

Description: Buy lottery tickets in your spare time and try to win big with a small investment, but be aware of the risks and uncertainties of the lottery market.

3. High dividend and bonus strategy

Description: Submit resumes intensively and actively look for better job opportunities to achieve career development and salary growth. $IO $SOL