All the long positions suggested during the day were taken, and both Bitcoin and Ethereum were given accurate positions. Bitcoin showed an upward trend today, and with the announcement of the CPI in the evening, the price ratio also ushered in a second upward exploration. The highest reached the target point of 70,000, touching the 70,028 line. Ethereum simultaneously rose to the 3,657 line. There were multiple oranges and multiple dans during the day, and Bitcoin took a total of more than 2,000 points of space, and Ethereum took a total of more than 120 points of space. Whether it is the ideas or points we suggested during the day, they were all given publicly in advance, and then perfectly reached our expectations. There is no hindsight. There is no need to say more when facing this kind of big rhythm. What we can do is to act decisively, and it is easy to grasp the space at the point. If you still can't grasp it well, you can follow Brother Hao's real-time guidance.

At present, the technical structure has not changed much. After the adjustment, the daily line began to turn positive again. The rhythm of the correction has basically become a thing of the past. The continuous lower shadows have basically laid the foundation for the bulls to pull up. This pattern is likely to touch the top for the second time. After the short-term retracement confirms the support, it rebounds strongly, and the low point of the confirmed support is constantly too high. The construction of the correction platform is relatively obvious. Just keep looking at the process of raising the low point of the retracement. The lowest position of the small cycle in the early morning is also 69200. Just continue to deal with it above this position.

Bitcoin: 69400-69000 long target 70500

Ethereum: 3580-3560 long target 3700#美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储利率决策即将公布 #IO #第55期新币挖矿IO #币安用户数突破2亿 $BTC $ETH