Project background: Tea Protocol aims to develop a protocol that enhances the sustainability and integrity of the software supply chain by allowing open source developers to capture the value they create. At the same time, Tea is developing a decentralized open source software platform to fairly reward open source developers based on their contributions to the entire ecosystem. Currently, the Tea testnet activity is underway, and Tea promises to distribute TEA tokens to these testnet users, with the amount of distribution depending on the points the user has earned.

Financing background: Received $1.690M in financing support from Binance and Woodstock Fund, and may be listed on Binance in the future.


The project is in the testnet stage. The official launched a points activity on June 5. You can earn points by interacting and get airdrops in the future.

Cost: Free + 10 mins

Testnet tutorial:

1. Log in to the Tea test network website:

2. Use Google, Microsoft, or GitHub to register. Google is recommended.

3. After successfully logging in, you will automatically receive 1,000 testnet tokens. You can use the tokens to stake and unstake, and get corresponding points;

4. Click on the personal interface-settings in the upper right corner to bind your email, set a private key, and fill in profile details to obtain corresponding points;

5. On the left side, select a project in OSS Staking and click make a donation to get points.

6. You can also complete the remaining quest points as appropriate.

Currently Questn has a task:

You can also complete it.

It is recommended that you pay more attention to the official Twitter to obtain the latest information and activities.