
Hi! Friends, I am Uncle Bird. I believe that many people were angry about the anti-sky operation of zks yesterday, and Uncle Bird is the same. All we can do is abandon it and embrace new zks, such as the great panda king polyhedrazk. In this issue of investment research, Uncle Bird will share with you some little knowledge about polyhedrazk. I hope you will like it.

Before we look at future zero-knowledge proof systems, let’s briefly review the concept of zero-knowledge proofs. Zero-knowledge proofs are cryptographic protocols that allow a prover to prove to a verifier that a statement is correct without providing any proof of the statement. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, but the most common is using polynomial-time zero-knowledge proofs (poly-time ZKPs).

Polyhedrazk is a zero-knowledge proof system that uses a polynomial-time zero-knowledge proof protocol. It is considered one of the most advanced zero-knowledge proof systems currently.

This system is used and used to great effect by Polyhedra Network (Polyhedra), a Web3 infrastructure provider that focuses on interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. It provides a range of infrastructure services, including the zkBridge solution for asset and data transfer between Web2 and Web3 systems, a decentralized identity solution (zkDID) for zero-knowledge certificate verification, and a scalability solution called paraPlonk that accelerates zk aggregation.

One of Polyhedra's key projects is zkBridge, a cross-chain bridge powered by zero-knowledge technology. zkBridge facilitates interoperability between networks and has secured over 20 million cross-chain transactions between over 25 blockchains. It uses unforgeable zero-knowledge proofs to verify the state and consistency of the sender's chain, which can then be verified at the destination.

At the same time, Polyhedra is also committed to improving the security and efficiency of the Bitcoin network. The company has introduced a new method to verify zero-knowledge proofs directly on the Bitcoin network using FRI (Fast Reed-Solomon Interactive) style proofs to improve the efficiency of transaction verification on the main chain. This may pave the way for Bitcoin L2 infrastructure similar to Ethereum, while providing optimistic and zero-knowledge proof aggregation solutions. This also provides a broader development path for itself.

In terms of token economics, the total supply of $ZKF tokens is capped at 1 billion. 30% of the total supply will be sold to the public through the Initial DEX Offering (IDO) or similar token offering mechanism. 20% is allocated to early investors, strategic partners. 15% is reserved for the zkF team and advisors. The zkF Foundation holds 10% to fund future development, marketing, and community initiatives. Ecosystem Development: 15% is used to incentivize developers, liquidity providers, and other ecosystem participants. 10% is used for liquidity mining programs to ensure sufficient liquidity for ZKF token transactions.

Overall, Polyhedra Network is an important player in the Web3 infrastructure space, focusing on interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced zero-knowledge proof technology. The company's zkBridge solution, decentralized identity infrastructure, and paraPlonk scalability solution are key components of its products. That's all I want to say, zk is not just a certain company, let's embrace the broader zero-knowledge proof sector.