Let's figure out what a bull is. This is the same bear, only with an upward trend, and not downward or in place. When they say “the bull has begun,” it means that ahead of us lies the same difficult year as the previous one, but with a positive trend. That's right guys, get ready for some fun times! 😎

Inside the bull, as well as inside the bear, there will be alt seasons, bull rallies and, of course, straits. But the difference is that alt-seasons will bring us big X's, and the straits will not update the bottom. Goodbye, huge minuses in the portfolio! And most importantly, the drawdowns will not be as prolonged as during the bear market.

The bull is more dangerous, and here's why. During the bear market, the main thing was to survive the minus, and sometimes with small rebounds I wanted to sell. The bear forgave rash actions, because even if you sold for a small profit, you could always say: “There will still be a spill” or “We will return to these prices.” Plus, long straits gave time to think and save up.

But the bull... That's another story. Having sold a coin for a small profit due to psychology, the price of the set may no longer be seen. Fomo is strong, the desire to buy back growth increases. The bull is greed, fear and fomo, and all the complexities of the bear, only x10. 😅

So, friends, be careful and remember: a bull is not only an opportunity to make money, but also a risk of losing. Everything is in our hands, so don’t lose your head and stay afloat! 😉