Since the birth of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency market has transformed from fringe status to a key force in the global economy. The significant growth in its market capitalization and trading volume, as well as the diversity of participants, underscore its growing influence in the global economy. At the same time, the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain technology, smart contracts, and DeFi has provided impetus for the innovation of the financial market and laid a solid foundation for the healthy and stable development of the market.

With the deepening of intra-industry cooperation and the rise of cross-border cooperation, the integration and innovation of cryptocurrency technology are accelerating at an unprecedented rate, heralding the arrival of a more active, diverse and sustainable financial ecosystem.

This article aims to summarize and analyze the latest news on Bitcoin, Ethereum and SOL chains on June 12, 2024, and provide readers with a macro perspective and analysis of market dynamics.

Bitcoin market latest news

a). Cooperation between Wizz Cash and Bitget Wallet

The strategic cooperation between Wizz Cash and Bitget Wallet has brought a series of innovative services to Bitcoin users. The core content of the cooperation includes Bitcoin accelerated transactions, which will greatly increase the transaction speed and reduce the waiting time of users during the transaction process. In addition, the asset minting function provides users with the ability to create new Bitcoin-related assets, which not only enriches the application scenarios of Bitcoin, but also brings more investment options to users.

At the same time, the batch transfer function is another highlight of the cooperation, which allows users to complete the transfer operation to multiple addresses at one time, greatly improving the efficiency of fund management. The integration of these functions is aimed at optimizing the user's asset management experience, allowing users to manage their Bitcoin assets more flexibly and conveniently.

b) Billionaire Bill Miller IV is optimistic about Bitcoin

Bill Miller IV, a heavyweight in the investment community and the head of Miller Value Partners, has publicly expressed his extremely optimistic views on Bitcoin. In an in-depth blog post, Miller IV not only believes that Bitcoin is currently severely undervalued in the market, but also foresees a fundamental transformation in the global capital governance structure. He positions Bitcoin as a key player in this transformation and expects it to occupy a more important position in the future financial system.

Miller IV's admiration for Bitcoin stems from his deep insight into its inherent advantages. He said: In terms of security, Bitcoin relies on blockchain technology to ensure the immutability of transactions and build solid trust for users; at the same time, the decentralized nature gives Bitcoin financial autonomy beyond traditional currencies and is not restricted by a single government or institution; and its automated transaction process is perfectly integrated with the efficiency of modern financial technology, providing users with a fast and smooth experience. These advantages together form a solid foundation for Bitcoin to play a key role in the future financial system.

c). CryptoQuant’s analysis of the Bitcoin market

Ki Young Ju, CEO of CryptoQuant, revealed the centrality of the U.S. market in Bitcoin trading through his market analysis and compared the influence of Bitcoin prices, showing that the importance of the U.S. market is rising. At the same time, he pointed out that the growth of the stablecoin market value did not increase the market value of Bitcoin and Ethereum in the expected proportion, suggesting that the market's reliance on stablecoins is not the main driving force behind the growth of the cryptocurrency market value.

Ju's analysis further highlights the important role of Coinbase in the global Bitcoin spot market, and as its market share increases, Coinbase's influence on Bitcoin prices is also increasing. These insights provide investors with new perspectives on Bitcoin market structure and dynamics, helping them better understand market trends and provide data support for investment decisions. $BTC

Ethereum Spot ETF Latest Development

a). Ethereum Spot ETF Approval Process

The approval process of Ethereum spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is becoming the focus of attention in the cryptocurrency market. Nate Geraci, president of The ETF Store, expressed optimism about this progress, and he expects the S-1 registration statement for the Ethereum spot ETF to be approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) soon. Geraci believes that given the SEC's previous approval of Ethereum futures ETFs and Bitcoin spot ETFs, there is no obvious reason to delay the approval of the Ethereum spot ETF, which brings positive expectations to the market.

In addition, Geraci's expectations are also influenced by previous approval cases. With the successful listing of Bitcoin spot ETFs and the smooth operation of Ethereum futures ETFs, regulators' attitudes towards cryptocurrency-related financial products have gradually become clear, paving the way for the approval of Ethereum spot ETFs. These precedents not only provide references for Ethereum spot ETFs, but also provide positive signals for the development of the entire cryptocurrency ETF field.

b). ProShares submits S-1 filing for Ethereum ETF

As a leading asset management company, ProShares has submitted an S-1 registration statement for its Ethereum ETF. In this document, ProShares clarifies the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the Ethereum ETF, ensuring the transparency and compliance of the product.

At the same time, well-known financial institutions such as Coinbase Credit and Bank of New York Mellon are also involved, which not only demonstrates the financial industry's confidence in Ethereum and its potential ETF products, but also reflects the trend of integration between the cryptocurrency market and the traditional financial market. Through the cooperation of these professional institutions, ProShares' Ethereum ETF is expected to provide investors with a safe, compliant and easily accessible investment channel, further promoting the popularity and maturity of Ethereum and its ecosystem.

If approved, this will provide investors with a new way to invest, allowing them to participate in the Ethereum market through traditional investment channels while enjoying the support and services provided by professional financial institutions. This is also a key step for the entire cryptocurrency industry to move towards wider recognition and integration. $ETH

Solana Ecosystem Latest Updates

a). Sanctum launches lifSOL token

The Solana ecosystem has reached a new milestone with the launch of the innovative lifSOL token by the Sanctum project. This new token is designed to enhance the liquidity of the Solana network while providing users with a new way to participate in network governance and receive staking rewards. By staking lifSOL tokens, users not only support the liquidity mining of the Solana ecosystem, but also receive corresponding rewards. This mechanism encourages users to participate more actively in the construction and maintenance of the network.

The launch of the lifSOL token reflects the innovation and progress of the Solana ecosystem in the liquidity staking protocol. It provides users with a platform to participate in network governance and obtain economic incentives, thereby promoting the activity and sustainability of the entire ecosystem. As more users join in staking, the decentralization and security of the Solana network will be further strengthened, providing a solid foundation for future expansion and application.

b). Prospect analysis of Solana spot ETF

Cboe Vice President Rob Marrocco conducted an in-depth analysis of the prospects of Solana spot ETF. Marrocco pointed out that although the market is full of expectations for the launch of Solana spot ETF, there are currently some practical challenges. The main problem is that Solana lacks a mature futures market, which is crucial for regulators to approve spot ETFs. The lack of a futures market limits the risk management capabilities and price discovery mechanisms of spot ETFs, which to some extent hinders the approval process of Solana spot ETF.

However, Marrocco also proposed a possible solution: paving the way for spot ETFs by launching Solana futures ETFs. He believes that the introduction of futures ETFs can serve as a prelude to spot ETFs, helping the market and regulators better understand and adapt to the characteristics of Solana assets. Through the trading of futures ETFs, the market can build a deeper understanding of Solana's price dynamics and accumulate the necessary market experience and infrastructure for the launch of spot ETFs.

c). TipLink’s non-expandable wallet service

Innovations in the Solana ecosystem continue to emerge, and TipLink, as a leader among them, has launched a revolutionary service - the TipLink wallet adapter without browser extensions. This service greatly simplifies the user's digital currency wallet experience, enabling users to create and manage wallets directly in the browser through their Google account without installing any additional extensions.

This innovative adapter not only improves the convenience of user operations, but also lowers the entry barrier, allowing more people to easily access and use the Solana blockchain. Through a simplified user experience, the TipLink wallet adapter makes it easier to receive and store tokens, thereby promoting the popularity and expansion of the Solana ecosystem. $SOL

d). Solana co-founder discusses MEV solutions

Anatoly Yakovenko, co-founder of Solana, has provided insights and solutions to the problem of maximum extractable value (MEV) in blockchain. Yakovenko believes that the MEV phenomenon is an engineering challenge in the development of blockchain technology, not an insurmountable obstacle. He proposed a set of strategies to reduce the impact of MEV on the network and users by enhancing competition among block producers.

Yakovenko suggested that by maximizing competition among block producers, they can be incentivized to provide faster and cheaper transaction packaging services. In addition, he emphasized the importance of user choice, advocating that users can choose the block producers they want their transactions to be packaged. This mechanism can not only improve user experience, but also promote the decentralization and fairness of the network.

Through these strategies, Yakovenko believes that the impact of MEV on the Solana network can be significantly reduced, thereby providing users with a more transparent and fair trading environment. #加密市场 #比特币 #以太坊 #SOL #要闻解读


The cryptocurrency market is evolving rapidly, with its innovative energy and market dynamics marking a new frontier in fintech. Through developments such as the accelerated trading of Bitcoin, the expected approval of Ethereum spot ETFs, and the Solana ecosystem’s liquidity staking protocol, we have witnessed how technological advancements are driving the market forward. These innovations not only open up new opportunities for investors, but also bring positive changes to the entire industry, heralding a more open, efficient, and user-friendly financial future.

As the market continues to mature and the regulatory environment becomes clearer, cryptocurrency is gradually becoming one of the mainstream investment options. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on and understand this field. Investors need to keep up with the market pulse, grasp industry trends, and maintain a keen insight into emerging technologies and products. The development of the cryptocurrency market will continue to shape the global financial landscape, and we look forward to it bringing more innovation and value in the future.