I think the upcoming Fed meeting and CPI data are positive.

1. Senators call for rate cuts:

Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) and Jackie Rosen (D-Nevada) have formally asked Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to lower interest rates. ​​Their concerns focus on the current economic situation, with high interest rates seen as hindering economic growth and driving up the cost of basic services such as housing and insurance.

2. Tight real estate market

A key issue raised by the senators is the impact of high interest rates on the real estate market. Housing inflation reportedly drives the Consumer Price Index (CPI) significantly. High interest rates exacerbate this problem by driving up rents, mortgages, and construction costs.

3. Upcoming Fed decision

The Fed is scheduled to release its next statement on the federal funds rate at the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on June 12. Current market analysis predicts that the central bank will maintain the existing interest rate despite calls for rate cuts. Since this topic directly affects inflation management and economic recovery, it is of great significance not only to the cryptocurrency market, but also to the broader financial ecosystem.


In summary, Senators Warren and Rosen’s calls for rate cuts reveal the broader impact of Fed policy on everyday economic factors such as housing and insurance. The results of future FOMC meetings will be critical in shaping the financial landscape and could have far-reaching implications for both traditional and digital markets, including cryptocurrencies. Observers await any decisive action from the June 12 meeting to indicate what the Fed will do next to boost the economic recovery.

In other words, rate cuts won’t happen again in June, but inflation is positive again!

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