Political Finance (PolitiFi), one of the new trends taking shape around Joe Biden and Donald Trump, was mobilized after Hunter Biden was found guilty.

Political Finance (PolitiFi), one of the new trends taking shape around Joe Biden and Donald Trump, became active after Hunter Biden was found guilty.

According to CoinGecko, the market value of memecoins in the Political Finance category has fallen by over 13 percent in the last 24 hours. During this period, #Bitcoin (BTC) lost approximately 4 percent in value, while Ether (ETH) decreased by 5.4 percent.

The conviction of Hunter Biden, son of incumbent US president Joe Biden, led to a 45 percent drop in FreeTrump (TRUMP) in the last 24 hours. #MAGA (TRUMP), the largest PolitiFi coin in terms of market value, dropped by 13 percent. These tokens have no official connection with any political figure.

With the guilty verdict announced on June 12, Solana-based Hunter Boden (HUNTERBODEN) gained attention, rising more than 30 percent in the last 24 hours to $0.001514. Jeo Boden (BODEN), one of the most popular mecoins of 2024, dropped by 5.5 percent to $ 0.1855.

The Joe Biden-Donald #Trump conflict, which has become increasingly heated as the US elections approach, has been especially good for the memecoin trend. Developments regarding political figures that bring a new breath to the Memecoin category can easily mobilize memecoins in this field. But memecoin hunters should be careful in this process. Volatility may increase in memecoins due to both the course of the market and its nature#FIT21 #TopCoinsJune2024 #TopCoinsJune2024