Be alert! Try not to touch VC coins that are at their peak upon listing and coins with low circulation and high total market value, otherwise you may become the leeks that are cut!

1: In this round of bull market, the altcoins are each fighting for their own battles, and the altcoins held are each for their own masters and do not take over each other. Most of the so-called "value coins" are waiting for more small retail investors to take over, but the current market retail investors have been educated for too long, and everyone has become smarter. Observing the altcoins that have been able to walk out of independence in the currency market in recent months, most of them have the characteristics of full circulation, no unlocking selling pressure, and relatively fair launch.

2: For example, the recent NOT, PEOPEL and other currencies, in the few days of strengthening, the trading volume is second only to the big cake and Ethereum, and the trading volume continues to maintain the heat. These currencies are likely to continue to be strong in the future and become the selection criteria for strong altcoins that may appear in the market.

3: And those VC coins that are at their peak upon listing, with low circulation and high total market value, are difficult to gain a foothold in the market because they lack sufficient liquidity and market recognition.

When choosing an investment currency, we need to be cautious and not be fooled by the so-called "value currency". Only fully circulated and fairly launched currencies can obtain long-term and stable returns in the market. #BTC走势预测 #IO价格预测 #MegadropLista