1. Toilet paper only uses about 10% of the area, and the remaining 90% is to keep your hands from getting shit. The same is true in the cryptocurrency world. 90% of your wealth is earned in 10% of your time, so it is important not to be fully invested. Be friends with time and use 90% to wait for opportunities. New investors are unwilling to be fully invested or even half invested, so they have to jump in. I understand this fear of missing out. Please raise your hand if you are touched by this. (Don’t be fully invested, wait for the opportunity)

2. Whether it is spot or contract, you must set stop-profit and stop-loss. It is not great to know how to buy, but it is a master to know how to sell. Obviously, this transaction is profitable, but you cannot overcome the greedy human nature, and finally you are stuck. Haha, I am talking about you. I believe everyone has experienced this. This is the charm of stop-profit. Then I will talk about stop-loss. Setting stop-loss is not to make you really stop loss, but to improve your capital utilization rate. For example, if you are stuck in a single order, and now you cut off the loss of 100u, you believe that you will turn losses into profits after a long time, and persist a little longer, then I tell you, even if you turn losses into profits in the future, you will still lose money, you have time cost in it, even if you stop loss, you will invest funds in the outlet with higher returns. Especially in the bull market, the same funds are stuck in this order and you can't get out after waiting for 1 week. In 1 week, you earn back the floating loss of 100u. But if you stop loss at that time, use the funds, and trade correctly for 1 week, you will get more than 100u of income. (I don't care whether you can buy or not, you must learn how to sell)

3. When others buy something and get rich, you must be afraid of missing out when you hear the news. Haha, the moment you hear the news, it is too late. If you buy in, you will be buying at a high price, which is a huge risk. (Don’t be foom-minded, stay away from people who foom you)

4. Don’t have faith in a certain coin. There is nothing wrong with being a scumbag and a bitch and leaving when you make money. Identify the wind, leave when you make money, and wait quietly for the next wind. Don’t think that if you choose the right wind, even pigs can fly. When we, the little leeks, see the scenery outside when we take off, the first thing we should consider is not how to fly higher, but how to land safely. Otherwise, if the wind stops and you haven’t left yet, you will be the first to fall to death. (Quit when you are ahead. The currency circle is not about who makes money faster, but who can live longer)

5. Don’t believe in getting rich overnight, but you must believe in the power of compound interest, which is really very powerful. (The eighth wonder of the world, those who understand will understand)

6. Don't use the funds that affect your life to speculate in cryptocurrencies. I have a little brother who was modest and cautious when he first met me. He sent me voice messages in the middle of the night to ask me some questions about KDJ, MACD, and MA lines. I taught him a little bit of the basics, but this guy was overjoyed and thought he was invincible and would win. He opened a large position and made 80,000 yuan in 3 months from 20,000 yuan. I repeatedly dissuaded him but to no avail. He showed me a screenshot of his earnings and said that my position was blown up and my ambitions were blown away, saying that I was too conservative. Do you think it is easy for a college graduate to find a job? He made tens of thousands of yuan in a short period of time and dared to resign decisively to become a professional speculator. Then on December 4, the market plummeted. He sent me a voice message with a shaking voice. The market helped me teach this little guy a hard lesson. (A last-ditch effort is not suitable for the cryptocurrency circle. You should leave yourself at least 1-2 ways out before you step into this circle.) There are risks in entering the market, and investment should be cautious.

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