#美联储利率决策即将公布 #BTC走勢分析 #BTC☀️ #币安用户数突破2亿 #cpi的数据公布


The CPI data to be released tonight may not fluctuate too much, and the Fed's interest rate decision announcement and Bao's speech may not have much new ideas. However, the recent bad mood in the market has been reflected in the market, and the overall market has fallen by more than 10%.

The recent plunge is more reflected in large cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, while some strong small currencies have not fallen too much. This round of decline is actually a callback to the large currencies that performed well before. Many altcoins are close to the lows in April, and the trading volume of this decline is not large. This decline is meaningless, and the rebound may come soon.

I think that every round of market is accompanied by negative and panic sentiment, so tomorrow's negative will not have much impact on the market, and may even trigger a reversal. Of course, even if there is a reversal, it will not be smooth sailing. There will probably be several ups and downs, but the bottom will gradually form. I have not yet accurately judged where the bottom line of large cryptocurrencies is, but I tend to think that Ethereum is around $3,500.

Now all we need to do is wait patiently for the next wave of market. It is normal to miss the bottom. I also have a slight floating loss, but we will all stand up again. If it falls again tonight, you can consider gradually building a position. But be careful not to use high leverage to buy small currencies. Holding spot or 2x leverage is enough.