Who are the big names in the cryptocurrency circle ❓

The following cryptocurrency figures! They beat all players, in no particular order, and the last one is the most low-key❗️

1. Changpeng Zhao, founder of Binance, was born in Jiangsu in 1977, immigrated to Canada at the age of 12, started a company at the age of 25, joined OK after getting in touch with Bitcoin in 2013, and sold his house to buy Bitcoin. Although he almost went bankrupt after falling badly, he launched BNB in ​​2017 and turned around and made a lot of money. He became the richest Chinese in the crypto bull market from 2021 to 2022, and made 640 billion in 4 years of entrepreneurship. He was fined 30 billion in 2023.

2. Sun Yuchen, born in 1990, won an award for his essay and was admitted to Peking University on an exceptional basis. He then went abroad to study. He bought a large amount of Bitcoin in 2012, entered Lakeside University in 2015, copied the code to create TRON in 2017, and the public chain is very good. In 2018, he sold 6 billion TRX at a high price and made a lot of money. He was nicknamed "Sun Ge". He also took a photo of Buffett's lunch but broke the appointment. In order to avoid sanctions, he spent millions of dollars to buy Grenada citizenship and became a diplomatic ambassador. He was a legend at the age of 33.

3. Michael J. Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy, born in 1965, a billionaire, double degree from MIT, founded the company at the age of 24, received 70 million investment at the age of 27, he was very good when the company went public in 1998, suffered heavy losses due to fraud allegations in 2000, and later promoted new business to make money and became a writer. After being silent in 2020, he bought all the company's assets into Bitcoin, and borrowed money to buy it. MicroStrategy holds 100,000 Bitcoins. He promotes the industry and is a godfather-level figure who deserves respect.

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