1/ 🚀 Injective’s native MEV resistance is powered by its innovative Frequent Batch Auction (FBA) system. This decentralized approach not only prevents front-running, but also enhances the security of the overall network. Let’s explore how it works! 🧵 👇

2/ ⏱ Discrete Time Intervals: Injective’s FBA system batches transactions at set time intervals, rather than processing them individually. By matching transactions at the end of each interval, it eliminates the timing advantage of malicious actors, thereby preventing front-running.

📉 Uniform Clearing Price: Trades within each batch are executed at a single, uniform price. This guarantees that no participant can manipulate the price of orders within the same batch, maintaining fairness and reducing the opportunity for price manipulation.

🔐 Sealed Bids: Trades remain confidential until the end of the auction interval. This prevents participants from seeing others’ orders in advance and adjusting their own orders to take advantage, effectively eliminating MEV opportunities.

🏆 Together, these features ensure that transactions are processed fairly and securely. By mitigating common MEV tactics like front-running, back-running, and sandwich attacks, Injective enhances overall network security and trust.

🌐 Experience the most efficient and secure L1 infrastructure with Injective’s cutting-edge FBA system, leading the way in MEV resistance and Web3 financial innovation.

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