#美联储利率决策即将公布 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓

The HIGH of the hot metaverse sector a few days ago, there should be many friends who entered the market to buy the bottom and were trapped. From the latest high of 9.76U all the way down to the lowest near 2.76U, it fell 72% in just a few days, especially those who chased the high near 9U and entered the market now have a 30% discount.

A few days ago, a friend also entered the market with this HIGH. I asked him to stop loss and leave in time. Less loss is also profit!

HIGH broke through the support yesterday afternoon and entered the range of fluctuations. There is not much inflow and outflow of funds. It is likely to be sideways in this range for a period of time, and there will be no performance. Friends who have entered the market should first unwind and leave the market, and friends who have not entered the market should wait and see and choose other potential currencies!

When choosing a currency to enter the market, don’t blindly chase highs. You must choose a valuable potential currency before choosing to enter the market!