Hello Mates,

Read this Post Very carefully if you want to change your Situation.

What is a Crypto enthusiast? WHO ARE THEY? ARE YOU A CRYPTO ENTHUSIAST?

Let me answer you.

1. If you lose a huge amount of money on crypto but you are not letting yourself down, instead of that, you are learning strategies, risk management, market sentiment, and control of emotion. Congratulations You are a crypto enthusiast human. Crypto needs you.

"I love crypto " is not an easy word. Crypto always test whether you are an enthusiast or not.

2. A magician will never tell you the secret of magic. The crypto market is a Sea of Money. If you know how to hunt, then No one can stop you from being a millionaire. But the thing is, Only enthusiastic people will hunt the secret of magic and they jump into that. Others will lose only.

3. Find a mentor who can guide you in your crypto learning. Many of you comment asking how to find me. Well, if you are a crypto enthusiast human, It's a matter of time to find me. Open your eyes.

4. Risk. (The more important thing).

Either you can be a Slave of some MNC or other places

Either you learn crypto, invest here, and be your Boss. Most of you will not take risks. Most of the people think, "My life is going on somehow. I won't take risk." Sorry mate but you are in a situation called "Mental slavery".

Get out from there, and take a risk, Crypto can make you rich.

Lastly, Would you happen to know Davinci? He made videos and updates about crypto. About 12-14 years ago, he made a video telling people to buy BTC cheaply. Those who bought, Now are a billionaire.

Now you understand why a mentor is important, who can teach and guide you.......

My dear mate, If you love crypto, Take a step Towards it.

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