Tonight is the Federal Reserve interest rate meeting. At this critical juncture, it is difficult to judge in advance whether the price will soar or plummet‼ ️We must wait until the Federal Reserve Chairman finishes speaking at 3 o'clock tonight to know‼ ️

We can summarize the rules of his speech. First, if he mentions that he will not consider lowering interest rates this year, then the price will fall immediately📉

Second, if he mentions that inflation has been controlled, the era of high interest rates has come to an end, and we have begun to consider lowering interest rates, then the price of the currency will soar📈

Third, which is what he often does, that is, he is vague, neither saying to maintain high interest rates nor to lower interest rates, and repeatedly saying that inflation is under control and we will continue to work hard, then the price of the currency is expected to fall first and then rise
