[Golden Finance News] EigenLayer's AVS (Active Verification Service) merges the scale of web2 with the trust of web3, opening up the next iteration of the network: distributed systems and managed assets. AVS introduces an ad hoc layer maintained by a decentralized network of operators who provide hardware such as GPUs, ZK provers, SSDs, etc. to power ultra-specialized services. The core promise of AVS is to bring web3 trust guarantees to all computing - both on-chain and off-chain. Currently, there are 1,459 AVS operators and 16 AVS services, with EigenDA leading with 264 active operators. The possibilities opened by AVS are huge and span multiple fields. We can divide them into 3 categories: verifiable Web2 infrastructure, Web3 basic primitives, and rollup services. In short, AVS is a revolutionary cryptoeconomic layer on the blockchain that enables developers to build trustless applications in any programming language.