Now most of the altcoins such as ordi, doge, bnb, sol, etc. have also fallen for several consecutive days. Some altcoins have fallen back to where they rose from. During the decline, the big cake is stable, and the altcoins are fierce. The altcoins have leverage compared to the big cake. Small retail investors should pay attention to the dangers. Ming Ge has been saying that it is short, and some people are stubborn and insist on going long. You need to be extra cautious.

Let me tell you a fact. If you only focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is better than messing around with other altcoins every day. Although Ming Ge is also good at altcoins, and Ming Ge's trading system is also accurately applicable to altcoins and various currencies, in recent years Ming Ge has been focusing on Bitcoin and Ethereum, and he has made no less money than messing around with other altcoins. Maybe this is people's cognition, and cognition determines how much wealth can be controlled.