if you didn’t invest on loans or with money you require to live.

Why? Some numbers to consider:

During the last cycle, my spot portfolio experienced a drawdown (unrealized loss - means if you don’t close positions but they show loss) of 69%!


I kept calm, swapped some stuff from oversold coins to mega oversold coins by doing a lot of maths (yes, it’s nothing about feelings or being a fan of a coin - you have to do maths and probably take stop loss for better opportunities)


made a profit of 187% until May 24!

What do I intend to express?: I don’t want to show off - No kidding. Just an explanation what’s going on. It’s called “the play” or “expansion phase”. That’s the way big institutions shake off small investors and jump in into positions/accumulate even more (playing both short and long during the process). If you did your homework AND INVESTED THE MONEY YOU CAN AFFORD FOR REAL, the signs for an upward trend are nice currently and there is a lot of potential profit in the market. If you want to rearrange you bags: Best period to look for max oversold coins

Hoping for huge returns for everybody. Good times will follow (see motivational pics of my coins portfolio in April)

Cheers crypto pioneers!


No financial advice. Do your own research
