Saudi Arabia announced that it would not renew the petrodollar agreement, which may have complex and multi-level impacts on the cryptocurrency market (cryptocurrency circle). The following is an analysis of the impact of this event on the cryptocurrency circle:

Positive impact

1. Increased safe-haven demand

If Saudi Arabia's decision leads to a weakening of the dollar's status or increased uncertainty in global financial markets, investors may seek other safe-haven assets. Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), which is regarded as "digital gold", may attract more safe-haven inflows.

2. The appeal of decentralization

Saudi Arabia's decision not to renew its petrodollar agreement marks a challenge to the traditional monetary system, which could boost interest in decentralized financial systems (DeFi) and cryptocurrencies, which do not rely on traditional fiat currencies and the banking system.

3. The need for diversified reserves

If more countries follow Saudi Arabia's lead and accept multiple currencies for transactions, companies and investors may further diversify their asset allocations. Cryptocurrency, as an emerging asset class, may benefit from this trend.

4. Promotion of blockchain technology

In order to cope with complex multi-currency transactions and cross-border payment needs, blockchain technology may be used more. As the core application of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency may be more recognized and used.

Negative impact

1. Increased market volatility

If Saudi Arabia's decision triggers drastic fluctuations in global financial markets, the cryptocurrency market may also be affected. The cryptocurrency market itself is highly volatile, and the instability of external financial markets may exacerbate this characteristic, causing the market to fluctuate sharply in the short term.

2. Increased regulatory pressure

If the change in the petrodollar system triggers a restructuring of the global economic system, regulators may put more pressure on the cryptocurrency market to maintain financial stability and control capital flows. This may have a negative impact on the cryptocurrency market.

3. Impact of US dollar pricing

Most transactions in the cryptocurrency market are still denominated in U.S. dollars. If the status of the U.S. dollar is weakened, it may have a certain impact on the price and trading volume of crypto assets denominated in U.S. dollars, increasing market uncertainty.


Overall, Saudi Arabia's decision not to renew the petrodollar agreement has both positive and negative effects on the cryptocurrency market. In the long run, this event may promote the widespread use and acceptance of cryptocurrencies, but in the short term it may also cause market volatility and regulatory pressure.

Bullish trend

Increased safe-haven demand: More funds flow into the crypto market. Decentralized appeal: Increased interest in decentralized systems. Diversified reserves: Cryptocurrencies become the choice of more investors. Technology push: Increased application of blockchain and encryption technology.

Negative risk

Market volatility: The market may experience sharp fluctuations in the short term. Regulatory pressure: It may face more regulatory restrictions. Impact of US dollar pricing: The uncertainty of market pricing and trading volume increases.

In general, Saudi Arabia’s decision may create a long-term bullish trend for the cryptocurrency market, but during the transition period, we need to be wary of short-term market fluctuations and changes in the external environment.