1. BlackRock controls and protects the market, and it is good to lean on a big tree for shade;

2. ONDO 4-hour and daily K-line cycle KDJ indicators do not break 20, and there is no more room for decline;

3. The weekly KDJ indicator has been above 50 (multiple investment trend), and it is resistant to decline;

4. The 4-hour cycle MACD indicator just has no hate water pattern, and the price has a need for correction;

5. Ambush and blocking points: 1.04-1.15 range;

6. If the price is deeply corrected, ONDO can be used as a medium- and long-term financial investment

#美联储利率决策即将公布 #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO价格预测 #美联储何时降息?